TikTok Monetization: How To Make Money On TikTok

Did you know you can use your TikTok account to generate income? Content creators on this platform often make lots of money, and some use TikTok as their main source of income. You can also make some money from the same platform.

Different creators use different methods. In this article, we will highlight what are TikTok “gift points”, how to win brands, and what you need to be paid by TikTok.

Create video for brands

Some brands reach out to content creators on TikTok and pay them to make videos that will sell their brand. On the other hand, some creators pitch to brands and present a proposal. Either way, you will be paid if you come up with informative entertainment content.

 Affiliate links

This is one of the simplest ways to earn from TikTok. For example, you can approach Amazon and ask them to generate a unique link for you. The link will be redirected to an item on the Amazon site. If someone uses your link, they will earn some discount and at the same time, you will earn some commission.

You can attach the link either on your profile information or on the description of a relatable video you post.

Partner with brands

If you partner with some brands, you will make an agreement for them to be paying you some amount of money for you to promote their brands. Some will give you a link and every time someone clicks on the link, you will be paid some commission. This is also a passive method as you do not have to follow up if a purchase was made or not.


You can always ask your followers to support your content by making donations on famous platforms such as Petron or PayPal. It is not a very effective method, but often you will find donors and sponsors who are willing to offer you support financially.

Creator pay

In some countries, TikTok content creators are paid for posting videos. However, there are some requirements one has to meet before you are paid. They include

– Be of at least 18 years and above

– Have not violated any TikTok community guidelines

– Have 10,000 followers on TikTok or more

– In the last month, have 1000 video views or more

– In the last month, have had at least three posts or more

Connect your brand to your account

Instead of using an affiliate link, use your link that will redirect a viewer to your store or platform. It could be e-commerce, an Instagram page, or a Facebook page. This way, you can earn money from both platforms.

Most people use this strategy. It redirects followers and if they find your products interesting, they can support you by purchasing.

In conclusion, there are a variety of ways you can make money on TikTok. Consider the above-mentioned methods, and they might work for you. If you have a dormant TikTok account, make it active and collect some coins from it.