How many times should I go to physical therapy?

An individual lifestyle is a key determinant of how often he/she will visit a physical therapist to perpetuate a healthy, active lifestyle free from existing or new injury. For those involved in intense sporting and exercise activities, there is a need to work alongside the spine and sports physical therapist team and sports physicians consistently to perpetuate and improve your body capabilities truly.

It’s good to see physical therapy specialist who also works with physical therapy billing services because your bills need to be clear. You should visit your physiotherapist every time you feel you have back or joint pains for diagnosis and proper treatment. Your physio will determine how often you’re to visit based on several factors. Adhering to the recommend visits is the secret to getting back to your routine. You’ll get to know physical therapy billing services during the visit.

Most practitioners advocate 2-3 visits per week for the patient to realize maximum benefits immediately after diagnosis. Upon a visit, a physical therapist will examine your condition and commend the optimal frequency of visits. Most patients, after undergoing surgery or sustaining an injury, they feel that visiting a physio three times every week is too much. For instance, if you’re injured, undergone surgery, or ailing from a disease that causes the musculoskeletal system to malfunction, then you should commit yourself to 2-3 visits to the physio, not excluding stretching and strengthening, which have shown to be effective in reinstating motion as well as strength.

At times, people can be tempted to carry out the exercises and activities they complete during therapy sessions on their own without involving a therapist, thereby reducing the number of times you visit a physio. What such people fail to understand is that a therapist is knowledgeable, experienced, and has the expertise revolving around the direction in the treatment of movement-related illnesses that influence the time you’ll take to recover. Patients who comply with consistent therapy visits demonstrate an overall faster rehabilitation, thus getting back to their no routine in no time, unlike their counterparts who prolong their return to activity.

To help you recover in no time, a therapist will evaluate your condition to establish a frequency that goes hand in hand with your physio prescription and takes into consideration the extent of your injury, disorder, and more.

Frequency of Physical Therapist Visits

  • Your current and continuing frequency of physical therapy will depend on several factors such as
  • Your response to the physical therapy
  • Your physio commendation for consistent visits
  • The severity of the condition diagnosed
  • Physicians personalized plan of care

Physical Therapist Follow-Ups

At the end of every visit, your physical therapist will compile a document on the performance of your recommended therapeutic exercises as well as techniques.

A therapist will evaluate your response to the prescribed treatment every four weeks and establish the frequency at which you’re to continue with the treatment.

Once cleared from physio care, a therapist will schedule an annual visit to access the recovery process and what needs to be done to prevent a similar injury from occurring once more.

Physical Therapy Exercise

A physical therapist has the mandate to tailor a patient’s physical recovery program to enhance flexibility, joint movement, including balance and strength. Personalized, customized exercise programs promote healing and mitigate the risk of re-injuring yourself.